Hey hey Got birthday greetings from Paustina (@00:00) and Bambi (@00:27)! Thanks guys! Still am waiting for wishes! Just got one from stephanie!
Oh i have made Jelly Hearts Success! Only prob the stupid removing of the cake! I think i need to kind of hmmm lets see get a bottomless tray!
Later will post images LAZY lah!
No wonder my heart feels it's flying, my head feels it's spinning. Each happy ending's a brand new beginning... Let myself be enchanted, I just might break through.
An Unpredictable Designer, After years of studying what I wanted and living it like a fairy tale I assumed but real life always has a twist. This time I don't wanna stop like this. I don't wanna be nobody. I wanna gain more learn more experience life a whole new way! I am so into the editorial world.
In the heart of this small Red Dot. There is a world of possibilities. Some Things End, Some Things Begin and Some Things Never Change.