Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to me~

Hey hey Got birthday greetings from Paustina (@00:00) and Bambi (@00:27)! Thanks guys! Still am waiting for wishes! Just got one from stephanie! 


Oh i have made Jelly Hearts Success! Only prob the stupid removing of the cake! I think i need to kind of hmmm lets see get a bottomless tray!

Later will post images LAZY lah!

No wonder my heart feels it's flying, my head feels it's spinning. Each happy ending's a brand new beginning... Let myself be enchanted, I just might break through.

XOXO Gossip Boy LOL~


Miss P said...

if you didn't pick ur phone i would hv scold u "sucker", as wat you did to me laaa.. HAHAHAHA

happy bday birthdy boy.....

u older la now

Ng Mei Mei said...

wat a video. "Happy Birthday, ADAM"