Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Now this SUCKs! I reserve my iPhone 3G on the 10 June 2008 and they ask to go down to any hello store to complete the process so i went down and made a reservation on 11 june 2008 a day after they open reservation! And now! they are sending booking appointment emails to collect iPhone to ppl who didn't go down to the Hello stores to complete the process!  and these are ppl who made reservation on a later date! NOW wat is this? PRIORITY my foot! if its PRIORITY isn't it suppose to be given to the ppl who made reservation early? What is Priority i ask u? If making a reservation early and still doesn't get the item u reserved this is not call Priority its call FOOLING us! AND WASTING MY TIME!

I am furious! SO FURIOUS tomorrow i am gonna call them and they better be ready for a long and stern lecture from me! Damned Singtel!