U must say such bad weather no doubt ppl tend to be gloomy...

Like her but not me cuzzzzzzz i am done with my essay!
Meimei & Nisa woW! U go girls~
sorry for blurred image Suhaimi~
Hey hey i finally finish my essay the theory part but not the visual part but i wanna rest le... such a coincidence leh! First i saw rui ting then later Meimei and nisa came then paustina join me then when we went to buy food!~ suhaimi came wa~ I didn't know library is a great place to meet people~ HAHAHA! been facing the beautiful scenery(I wish) mother nature do have its ways been Pour like nobody Business and guess what its exactly like a scene from Day After Tomorrow

Serious aiya should have taken an image of it... its like ON and OFF, ON and OFF~ Start Stop Start Stop~
u forgot daniel and gabriel..
oh no... you really put my fishball face?
btw i think we should take picture of the weather yesterday
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