Friday, March 7, 2008


Today is like so boring~ ITS A REST DAY! I mean its a day you just wanna slp till late stretch a little longer... SLACK a little more and forget abt school work... but towards the evening I just realise I need to rethink my concept for my iPod Touch campaign and the ESSAY which is due next thursday which i have not start on a single word. But hey I think I can finish it in time and I still got time to write my blog for today and not do my ESSAY lol~ 

My ad campaign is on Lingerie ad kind of style and now I am going to rethink the layout style and how am I gonna add the "PRODUCT IS THE HERO" into my ads (scratch head) LOL~ Here is a sneak of my Poster series... comment on what you think!?
As for now I wanna just get MIKA's Album, my brother's b'dae present and my mom's... Signing off now, CHERIOS~

XOXO Stylicious me~