Whole day been at the library doing my research for my essay abt designers and advertising... and been looking through piles and piles and piles of books! Came across two really cool books One is water proof made of synthetic paper which can be recycled and another is titled Cool Brands which has a really cool cover and typeface... Been writing none stop and my mac went flat flat flat SLPY mac slpt lor! can i can't do anything sad la~
Now gonna be back to 2000words essay! haiz!LOL then i need to rework my WORKS! AHHHHH! anyway here is a pic of me taken with the new cam wor wor wor~

Oh by the way i hate the T300 it sucks the red totally isn't HOT RED it look like it has faded kinda pinkish~ GROSS! Now new target Sony Cybershot DSC-W300 COOL~! 13.6MP and has everything the T300 has but no 3.5" touch screen... But it look so much sleeker! must buy must buy!
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